SF Bay Area Teaching Team
Jasan Fujii- Chief Instructor

Jasan has assumed the reigns of the Bay Area Association. He brings
a strain of realistic fighting, focusing on contact drills and fighting
pscyhology. Highly enthusiastic about martial arts, he is
constantly examining and experimenting with other styles and approaches.
He has also studied Judo. As one of the shortest of our students, Jasan
has helped many of the shorter people to maximize their angling abilities.
He knows all three hand forms and the wooden dummy form. He has also learned
Wong Shun Leung's 12-section Bat Jarn Dao form from John Divirgilo of Hawaii Wing Chun.
Will Yturriaga - Senior Instructor

Will Yturriaga began his martial arts training at a young age in full contact
Shorinji-Ryu Karate, Bagua Chang and meditation. His studies eventually led him
to the East West Wing Chun Kung Fu school in San Francisco, where he later became
the main instructor. He taught the class for over 6 years, focusing on training a
core group of instructors. He then left the San Francisco class to start a new
East-West Wing Chun branch. Will currently runs the Northbay class, and teaches
privately in the Northern Bay Area.
Henry Lyne - Senior Instructor

Henry is the San Francisco Class instructor. His classes are a balance of traditional Wing Chun
training mixed with self defense application. He has trained in Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
and other martial arts, and incorporates techniques like joint locks back into his Wing Chun practice.
AJ Herrera - Senior Instructor

AJ also studies Bagua Zhang
and runs a Wing Chun workgroup on weekends.
Steve Aibel - Assistant Instructor

Is one of the Oakland Class' assistant instructors.
Anirban Sen - Assistant Instructor

Is one of the Oakland Class' assistant instructors.
John Kang - Co-Founder

After studying Taiji Quan, northern Shaolin Kung Fu, and Shorinji Kempo, John formally
learned Wing Chun under Sifu Lo Man Kam while living in
Taiwan. At the time, there were many occasions to spar against and learn from
practitioners of Seidokaikan and Shotokan Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, Western boxing,
Aikido, Judo, Sambo, Western wrestling, Jujitsu, Chen and Zheng Taiji, and several other
styles of Kung Fu. After returning to the U.S., he has continued to explore Wing Chun,
learning advanced footwork from Sifu Lo's son, Gorden Lu; fighting drills
from Sifu Duncan Leung and his student Sifu Mike Shea; drills, ideas, and mid-level kicks
from Sifu Akko Nishimura of Francis Fong's lineage; approaches and drills from seminars
with Sifu Randy Williams; and varied use of elbows and knees from Daniel Munkus of Sifu Jim
Lau's lineage. He also studies Internal martial arts with Sifu Johnny Jang in Oakland.
John is currently teaching in Richmond, VA, but returns to the Bay Area semiannually to check up on his students.
Bradley Temple - Advisor
A si-hing (senior brother) to John, Bradley Temple lived in Taiwan for 9 years from April of 1989 to June of
1998, studying Chinese cultural arts. His studies included Chinese
language, kung fu, and acupuncture. He has done tours around Taiwan
giving kung fu demonstrations, and continues these demonstrations as
well as currently teaching
Wing Chun in Las Vegas. He further helps to translate
the works of his Wing Chun Sifu Lo Man Kam. Bradley is a disciple of Sifu
Lo Man Kam. He provides his guidance to the San Francisco Bay Area Branch
on occasion.