East-West Wing Chun - San Francisco Bay Area

What is East-West Wing Chun?
A derivative of Wing Chun Kung Fu as taught by Sifu Lo Man Kam, East-West Wing Chun seeks to maintain the traditional foundations of its predecessor while seeking innovative ways to apply its principles to modern combat.
Oakland | San Rafael |
Chief Instructor:
San Rafael Class Instructor: Location: |
New East-West Wing Chun Association Site Up
Ongoing Workshops Now Available
Contact Jasan Fujii for more details.
Official Lo Man Kam T-Shirt Available
Now available in North America, official Lo Man Kam Wing Chun T-shirts.
Contact Bradley Temple at: wingchun@cox.net.
(From left): Bradley Temple (Las Vegas), Sifu Lo Man Kam,
Nicholas Veitch, John Kang; at Sifu Lo's school in Taipei, Taiwan.